Conservative underground, Conservative in the wilderness, the loyal resistance. These and many other terms have been used to describe the position of the conservative movement after the
Barak Obama's victory in these recent election. It was not only
Barak Obama's victory it is also an increase in the majority in both houses of congress including an almost filibuster proof majority in the Senate. This majority may yet prove to be filibuster proof if the partisan democrats decide to change the rules. Add to this a second legislative branch with a growing activist judiciary, which will potentially grow with more activist judges being nominated by the president and approved by the congress.
So given this seemingly insurmountable situation where to we go from here;
First: lets not loose perspective, we have seen this before in 1976 and 1992. Conservatism has returned as strong as ever. Reagan was able to advance conservatism with a democratic congress.
Second: Support the new president. He did win and like it or not he is the president of our nation. We can support him when he is right and when his policies advance our beliefs and oppose him when it does not. We have more access to media than conservatives did in 1980 and even 1992 when the only conservative voice was Rush Limbaugh. Today we have and entire medium with right wing radio. We also have a more unbiased news outlet in Fox news, as we have the Internet with such sites as Drudge and the blogosphere. The fact is we do not know what type of president Obama will be. He has proven to be capable of dumping his radical associations when politically expedient.
Third; Begin supporting and encouraging the conservative bright Spots. Sarah Palin drew as many Large crowds as did Obama. We must as a movement encourage her to not go back to Alaska and stay there. There are others such as Bobby Jindal, Michelle Bachman etc. Newt Gingrich is a different issue. I love him and would support him if he ran but I think he best serves the movement as an Ideas and policy adviser. I would love to see him in charge of the RNC.
Fourth; Run for office. Our movement cannot take over government unless we have candidates willing and able to run for political office. Sara Palin began running for PTA and as a mayor of a small town.
Fifth; Educate the next generation. Many of our children go to public schools. We must understand that the schools are run by left wing activists. It is our jobs as parents to counter that. If we are able we should either home school our children, send them to private schools, and if not possible we must be aware what is being taught our children in public schools and be prepared to counter it. This means we must educate ourselves and prepare arguments and evidence to counter the potential brain washing of our kids. It is possible that public school kids with this background of left wing education and right wing counter arguments from home will in the future become the next Newt Gingrich's or Even Reagan's, capable of debating the left on their turf.
sixth; Pray. Our movement is righteous and even divinely driven, it cannot hope to advance unless we keep God in the mix.
So lets regroup and begin fighting back.