Saturday, May 30, 2009

This is what happens when passion overcomes vocation

I have posted on Father Alberto Cutie's sad situation in which what had been a good priest with much to offer via his media access.

Today I sadly report that the apostasy and self-excomunication is now complete.

Father Albero should know better. He took a vow of chaste celibacy when he was ordained a priest. Yet the church knows that often the passions of a Man is often stronger that his vows, so it has a mechanism by which a priest who desires to Mary can. All he had to do was petition his Bishop to be laicised at which point he can marry and live tha life of a lay person. With his media contacts he would have lived a very comfortable life and continued to serve God and the church in that capacity as a married man. He shoose instead to create scandal and lead many astray by his very public breack with a vow and by taking the path of least resistance, he choose to become an episcopal priest, thus he can have his cake and eat it too. In the process he, by this act, endoresed the practices of homosexual, and female priests as well as church supported abortion. All of which goes against the teachings of the church Father Cuties sayd to have loved.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Know your leaders

If the Notre Dame scandal is a portent of a great apostasy within the church or even The Great apostasy as prophesied in scripture then the time may come when we must know who to turn to for eartly leadership in our easthly struggle against the apostate leader, this article may help. As I mentioned before I am not a left behind person who sees the book of revelation coming true in every headline type of Christian. Yet I do believe as scripture teaches that Jesus is coming and that there will be signs, amonst which will be a great apostasy within his church. I do know that as a Christian I am commanded to be ever vigilant for scripture says there will be signs but at the same time the second coming will come as a thief in the night when we least expect it. So I will not despair of the coming but will join the the strugle against the enemies of his Catholic Church both from outside in the form of secular and religious opposition and from some of those same forces that have infiltrated the church. Already one agent in the form of Father Jenkins has been brought to the light. I could name others but they are Bishops and Cardinals and Mother Angelica was admonished for taking one of them to task (some readers may know who I am talking about)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Are our actions recruiting more terrorists

A favorite accusation of the anti-War and anti-American left is that we create more terrorists by housing them in Guantanamo or by such actions as enhanced interrogations. They like to point to pictures as those of so called abused (as opposed to decapitated) detainees as being recruiting tools for terrorists. As is most often the case with the accusations of the left the truth is the exact opposite of what they say.

It was our running with out tails tucked between our legs from Somalia after they killed and dragged one our soldiers through their streets that prompted Bin-Laden to label the U.S. a paper tiger. It was the myriad of attacks during the 90’s including the first WTC attack without response that served to cement that notion in the minds of our enemies that was the real recruiting tool for terrorists. It was the application of a strong arm by General Petraeus in Iraq that virtually eliminated terrorist attacks and rather than recruit enemies served to befriend the locals and turn them into allies against a common foe. It is therefore the left and their tactics that are the best recruiting tools for the terrorists not Guantanamo and our pretense in Iraq

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Be careful what you wich for....

The Irony in this article is delicious. I truly do not know if to laugh, that these chplains were so succesfull at preaching relativism or cry at the fact that they were so sucessfull at preaching relativism they are now irelevent in the eyes of the school body

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Only in the Mind of a secular leftist is this not Ironic.

Am I the only one that sees the Irony in the fact that the History Channel is having a special on the Movie "Angels and Demons" purportedly to separate fact from fiction with the Movie itself being the sponsor for the program. It this were a right with religious show sponsored by a similarly friendly entity the content would be ridiculed on that basis alone, regardless of how accurate the content of the show was.

Here is the link

Stop the Scare Mongering

The Swine flu or the H1N1 virus as it is now called is being used by both our government and their willing allies in the media to spread a sense of panic and, I believe, as a means to promote nationalized health care. As flue viruses go this is not only mild but so far laughable. According the the World Health Organization there are about 2100 cases of the virus with 44 deaths world wide, See here. The U.S has 896 cases with 2 of those 44 deaths, see here. While all of these deaths and the potential deaths to come from this virus are tragic, they pale in comparison to the common seasonal flu with yearly affects one in five Americans or 226,000 people and kills 36,000 people in the U.S. alone, see here. If anything may possibly make the case for national health care the common seasonal flu make a better case than the swine virus.

On the other hand if one is really intent on killing the swine virus I would suggest slow roasting the pig over a pit until well cooked thus killing the virus and making a dent on world hunger at the same time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Catholics should enjoy Angels and Demonds says Ron Howard

In a recent article, Movie Director Ron Howard is quoted as saying "Let me be clear: neither I nor Angels & Demons are anti-Catholic. And let me be a little controversial: I believe Catholics, including most in the hierarchy of the Church, will enjoy the movie for what it is - an exciting mystery, set in the awe-inspiring beauty of Rome."

I wonder if he would say that Blacks would a enjoy a movie as beeing a good story set in the majesty of the south if the story were Insulting of the Harriet Tubman story or a rewritting of the sotry of the KKK. Or if the story were a revision of the Holocaust, wouldhe say Jews would enjoy it because because it is an exiting story set in the splendor of the Bavarian country side.

The truth that it is only because it is anti-Catholic (let's not kid ourselves something that depicts lies about the Catholic church is by definition anti-Catholic) that Ron Howard can get away with making such a statement without the Media coming down on him. It is only when a Republican Presidential Candidate makes a speech at Bob-Jones University that the left sudendly becomes defensive of Catholic sensitivities.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Could this be the time of the apostasy?

In light of the Notre Dame debacle it seems that so called Catholic colleges and Universities are falling like dominoes down the path of apostassy. It would seem that the election of Benedict IV, whose othodoxy I love, did not after all result in a closed cafeteria for catholics but in the opening of a whole new and growing franshise
