Saturday, November 15, 2008

Perhaps another silver lining

Obamas Election is finally forcing the Catholic church in the U.S. to address the giving of Communion to those that support abortion, either in elected office or in the ballot box.

In what may be a little to little to late, but better late than never the Bishops are beginning to do something they have not done so in a while, 

Teach Catholic doctrine forcefully and clearly, with consequences to Catholics that fail to live up to Catholic doctrine.

It is a shame it took a political disaster to get this reaction, but then Christianity is often more clearly taught in the face of persecution.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Was Obama Right?

As Mentioned in my previous post. Obama was fond of saying that McCain would have brought about a second Bush Administration. He may have been right. It is true that McCain and Bush were in legislative agreement about 90% of the time. McCain could point to the 10% of differences to point to his maverick tendencies. The fact is that Bush and McCain are not Ideological conservatives. Both were opposed to earmarks, though Bush never vetoed a spending bill. both have a pro-life view and both are foreign policy Hawks, though McCain may be a little more hawkish.

A moderate McCain administration though preferable to a Socialist Obama may have a positive side. Having McCain as the leader of the party and as president may have resulted in delaying the much needed shake up in the Republican party that is now taking place. The next republican candidate may well have been carrying the same political baggage that was carried by the party on this election cycle.

Obama seems intent on implementing a socialist economic agenda. This will only deepen the economic problems we are now facing. Obama will want to blame Bush economic policies as being so bad that his policies are taking on Bush economic policies to work. We must point that the Bush economy of the last two years is a socialist economy and that Obama is simply taking us further left. The Obama economy in essence began in 2006 with the democratic congress, Bush simply rubber stamped it. McCain may not have taken us further left but was likely to keep us where we are now with minor adjustments.

Bush was a Second FDR term.

The eight years of Bush are very similar to the FDR years. Both faced economic problems and a global War. Both presided of what at the time was the largest expansion in government in history. Both were aggressive in pursuing Americas enemies abroad and expanding social services as home. It is entirely possible FDR may have felt more at home in today's Republican party as seen the democratic party as to radical for his taste.

The problem that historically once a social program is implemented it stays. Even the great Reagan could not roll back most government programs, at best he was able to slow their growth and grow the economy to better fund them though higher revenues.
This is the danger of an Obama administration, he stands ready to grow government even more and create more dependency, which a conservative administration will have a hard time removing. It is worth noting that both parties have moved left with the Republican party looking like the democrats of old and the democrats in many instances voting to the left of the socialists in congress.

We must push for a radical reform of the republican party to field candidates that will promise a mayor roll back of government and hold them to it.

Barrac, Another four years of Bush?

During the election Obama Obama was fond of linking McCain to Bush. He wanted to imply that to elect McCain would be to continue the Bush economic plans. The fact is that there is every indication that not only will Obama continue the Bush economic plans, at least the one he seemed to follow that on his last term, but that he will continue to take us further left.

The fact is that fiscally, aside from the tax cuts, Bush was no conservative. Not once did Bush veto a single spending plan. Obama promises the same. The only deviation from Bush that Obama promises is that everyone who pays taxes will get a tax increase. Yes everyone, not just those making over $250.000. When the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010 all will get a tax increase. The poor will also get a tax increase in the form of higher prices for goods and services.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Where do we go from here

Conservative underground, Conservative in the wilderness, the loyal resistance. These and many other terms have been used to describe the position of the conservative movement after the Barak Obama's victory in these recent election. It was not only Barak Obama's victory it is also an increase in the majority in both houses of congress including an almost filibuster proof majority in the Senate. This majority may yet prove to be filibuster proof if the partisan democrats decide to change the rules. Add to this a second legislative branch with a growing activist judiciary, which will potentially grow with more activist judges being nominated by the president and approved by the congress.

So given this seemingly insurmountable situation where to we go from here;

First: lets not loose perspective, we have seen this before in 1976 and 1992. Conservatism has returned as strong as ever. Reagan was able to advance conservatism with a democratic congress. 

Second: Support the new president. He did win and like it or not he is the president of our nation. We can support him when he is right and when his policies advance our beliefs and oppose him when it does not. We have more access to media than conservatives did in 1980 and even 1992 when the only conservative voice was Rush Limbaugh. Today we have and entire medium with right wing radio. We also have a more unbiased news outlet in Fox news, as we have the Internet with such sites as Drudge and the blogosphere. The fact is we do not know what type of president Obama will be. He has proven to be capable of dumping his radical associations when politically expedient.

Third; Begin supporting and encouraging the conservative bright Spots. Sarah Palin drew as many Large crowds as did Obama. We must as a movement encourage her to not go back to Alaska and stay there. There are others such as Bobby Jindal, Michelle Bachman etc. Newt Gingrich is a different issue. I love him and would support him if he ran but I think he best serves the movement as an Ideas and policy adviser. I would love to see him in charge of the RNC.

Fourth; Run for office. Our movement cannot take over government unless we have candidates willing and able to run for political office. Sara Palin began running for PTA and as a mayor of a small town.

Fifth; Educate the next generation. Many of our children go to public schools. We must understand that the schools are run by left wing activists. It is our jobs as parents to counter that. If we are able we should either home school our children, send them to private schools, and if not possible we must be aware what is being taught our children in public schools and be prepared to counter it. This means we must educate ourselves and prepare arguments and evidence to counter the potential brain washing of our kids. It is possible that public school kids with this background of left wing education and right wing counter arguments from home will in the future become the next Newt Gingrich's or Even Reagan's, capable of debating the left on their turf.

sixth; Pray. Our movement is righteous and even divinely driven, it cannot hope to advance unless we keep God in the mix.

So lets regroup and begin fighting back.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Coservatism did not loose, Republicans did.

First let me begin by congratulating Obama for running a great campaign, deceitful but great. Our side on the other hand ran a terrible campaign. John McCain is a war hero and for that is deserving admiration but he is not a right wing conservative. He knew that, he also knew that he was loosing the campaign so he choose Sarah Palin as is running mate to shore up the conservative base.

Unfortunately McCain had terrible odds. For one he was the standard bearer of the party whose president was wildly unpopular (due in no small part to terribly biased and irresponsible media reporting) President. The economy is bad shape and his party is getting the blame (due in no small part to terribly biased and irresponsible media reporting) even though the housing crisis the fault of the party that won and that is not even debatable. 

The fact is that conservatism was not on the ticket in this election, not was leftist socialism for that matter since Obama did a great job of hidding his real views with the help a biased and irresponsible media who added to his 600 million dollars in capaigning by providing free campaign adds in the form of decetful and irresponsible reporting.  even then Obama only received about 7 percent of the electorate.

It is my hope that on the enxt eelction there is a clear articulate conservative on the ticket who will both articulate right wing positions as well as not be afraid of calling his opponent a liar when it is warranted.