Monday, June 16, 2008

What is truth?

What is truth? This was the ironic question Pilate asked when in the presence of truth incarnate. (John 18:38). This question seems to reverberates through the ages to the present where modern man seems to be asking the same question. Unfortunately for modern man the answer is not the truth incarnate. For modern man the truth is whatever feels good. Today the response is what ever is true for you may no be true for me, but both are valid truths. Truth today is relative and subjective. Truth in today's world is in fact 6.5 billion truths.

But the real truth is something entirely different. The fact is that truth is objective and not dependent on anyone belief for it existence anymore than the wall in front of me depends on my belief for it's existence. If I were to say that my truth says that the wall does not exist that does not mean I can simply walk though. Any attempt to prove my version of the truth would likely result in a broken nose.

There is one truth, and that is the person of Jesus. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the Life"(John 14:16). He also said "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free"(John 8:32) This last passage has great implications. It shows that knowledge of truth (real truth not the subjective relativism we see today) brings freedom, it also means that the opposite is also truth, living and believing a lie will lead to slavery. Those that claim a truth not from Jesus are in reality enslaving themselves to a falsehood disguised as a personal truth.

Man Greater than the Sum of his parts

Today I was Listening to Bill Bennett and he made a comment that made me think. He was expressing amazement at how the Brain, a three pound mass of connecting neurons and firing synapses could result in our thought processes and to the notions of being. The fascinating thing is how this process of bio-electrical impulses translates to what we are as people. In essence philosophical statement "I think therefore I am" is the result of this biological process. Or is it? I think the fact that we are self aware goes beyond biological processes. The fact that we are born with a desire to go beyond ourselves and seek out God makes us greater than the sum of our parts. We are not merely a mass of cells working in harmony to form a human being. We are more than that. Only the Human can turn those firing synapses, in to splitting the atom and into putting a man on the Moon. In any other animals those firing synapses are geared towards mere survival and reproduction. We go beyond that and beyond ourselves.

Bush Converting to Catholicism?

Here is the Article any thoughts?

This just puts a smile on my face

From the Times online.

Further Thoughts on the Divinity of Jesus

There are religious groups that claim the title of Christian that do reject the Divinity of Jesus and thus the historical understanding of the Trinity as espoused in both the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.

Two Groups in particular come to mind, the Jehovah's Witnesses (Further Reading, here and here) and the Mormons (Further Reading, here and here), the latter's most Famous adherent would have made and may still yet make a good president, that would be Mitt Romney.

The Jehovah's Witnesses for example have gone so far in their desire to do away with the trinitarian dogma that they have authored their own translation of the bible called the New World Translation, with numerous translations errors (I am being charitable here), done specifically to deny Christ his divinity. This translation has led many and unprepared Christian, both Catholic and non-Catholic (Sadly mostly Catholic Though) to leave their tradition and join with this pseudo-Christian Group. As Demonstrated in my previous post the Scriptures as well as the constant teaching of traditional Christianity is quite clear on the Divinity of Jesus.

The Mormons are something entirely different. They accept a Traditional version of Scripture in the King James Version (which has it's own problems but not to the extent of the New World Translation). This translation does establish the Trinitarian dogma quite clearly, however in order to justify their anti-traditional trinitarian view they state that their acceptance of this translation is conditional. The difference between them and the JW's is that they accept continuing revelation as expressed through their own office of Apostles and Prophets and in a second inspired Scripture called the Book of Mormons. It Must be noted by the way that this is not their only inspired text, they also believe all documents emerging from their governing body located in Salt Lake City, such as The Pearl of Great Price, is also inspired and on equal footing with Scripture, in this ongoing revelation they have developed a truncated version of The Trinity
Note in the article linked their notion of the Godhead and three gods forming one God Head. I heard a Mormon one state is as Three god that are one in purpose. This is completely different from the Traditional and Apostolic teachings regarding the Trinity as expressed in the Creeds.

It is important that As Christians we are clear, The Trinity is an undeniable dogma of all Christians. It is what makes other non-Catholic traditions Christians even if they do not hold to the fullness of faith as expressed by the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith. One cannot be a Christian and not Accept the Trinity. Thus the JW's and the Mormons are not true Christian Faiths even if they insist in claiming that title (I say this in all charity, but it is true).

This Column from Marcellino D'Abrossio is intereting in light of this post.