Friday, July 24, 2009

The modern sexual revolution built on a Lie.

Those of us who follow Jesus and his teachings have long known instictively, by reason and by science that the so called sexual revolution, as will all sinful lifestile was built on a lie. Any lifestile that seeks to take the human sex act outside of it's proper context of matrimony is by it's very nature a lie and as with all lies it leads to eventual downfall, both to individuals and to societies, even entire civilizations.

The Modern sexual revolution is based in part on the Works of Alfred Kinsey. It is now known that his work was. to put it mildly, fraudulent. Yet the media, academia and even the courts continue to use his lies as a basis for their work.


The Pope is right says left leaning Harvard Prophesor when it comes to Condoms in Africa and AIDS.

Here is the Article. Why do I have the feeling this will not make the headlines.

Would you believe me if I told you that the aids in Africa is spread by Homosexual activity.

You would say I am crazy. After all homosexual activist point to Africa as proof that Aids is not mainly a homosexual or sexualy promiscuous diesease right...

As Usual God is right sin is wrong