Monday, July 20, 2009

Why do I have a feling that our government will find a way to not support this..

The Mexicans are showing us how to fight a war on drugs...


The reason that Drug related violence is up in Mexico is because this is the fist Mexican President that is not owned by the cartels and is actually fighting them.

Follow up on my brothers thoughts on Obamas birth Certificate

Here is my Brothers Post

First Drink the Kool-Aid

Then Look like a Deer in the headlights when asked about the Birth Certificate

Initial thoughts on the new encyclical

I have begun reading the Popes new encyclical "Charity in Truth"

My initial thoughts is that as ususal the media and even some Catholic comentators are misreading the pope. I have not yet arrived at what appears the controversial quote that seems to call for a world wide authority but I will venture a guess that it is not calling for a one world government but something that calls for all governments to work toghether to apply what is in essence Catholic social teaching. I wonder what the chances of that is given that five out of six humans are not Catholic.

What I do know it that the church calls for the application of her social teachings at the local level not at a centralized governmental level as those of whose mindset leans to the left socialist world view. The church also warns of the exeses of the capitalist decentralized world view. The truth is that the extremists on both world views see the human person as a means to an end. One sees humas as uneducated masses in need of elite control and the other sees human as means of material profits. Catholic social teaching calls for a pradigm shift in the thinking of all governments to make the Human Person the focus of policies that are centered on Charity and truth. Charity and Truth that recognize the inherent dignity of the human person and allows humans to live to their maximun potential hopefully to worship God as he has revealed himself to Man.

As mentioned I have not yet read the document fully and as with many church documents it will require mutliple readings to grasp the full import of what it says, but I have a grap of the bady of teaching of the church and knwing that church doctrine does not can cannot change I will wager that the initial, any reporting of the secular medial will exagerate portions to justify their notions and ignore those that oppose them.

Here is the encyclcal for all to read

I know who I want for President...

Bobby Jindal.

Do you feel the recovery

See our Grand Childrens tax money at work.

Since No one else will report it.

Astronomers did not see this one coming

It appears that a comet or asteroid has struck jupiter. The interesting thing about this report is that it was an amateur astronomer that noticed it after the fact. The scary thing is that it was an amateur astronomer after the fact. If astronomers as a whole can miss an asteroid hitting Jupiter how many are out there with aim for earth they are not seing...?

Credit Jimmy Akins Blob for this report.