I have always believed that it takes more faith to hold to Atheism than it does to hold a belief in God. Atheist have to look at the majesty of Creation all around them and believe that is came by a process other than intelligent design. Atheist accuse believers of a faith that cannot be empirically proved, yet there is less proof for the atheist position than there is for the believers position.
Of course while atheist hold as an article of faith that there is not God, they have an ecclesiastic structure. The Have churches in the form of the University system (A catholic invention), the professors being their clergy. Their journals being their Magisterium, their sacraments (in most cases not all atheist are leftists) abortion, Tehir popes are leftists Judges who ignore the constitution and develop Dogma from the Bench, which no leftist Atheists dares contradict. They have no problem excommunicating those that defy their dogmas, ask Joe Lieberman and Zell Miler. Make no mistake the atheist will cling to his faith regardless of any evidence to the contrary, Not much different than the Pharisees of Old who opposed Jesus even when witnessing the miracles he performed in their mist.
1 comment:
Just b/c it requires faith for you to believe in something with little to no evidence doesn't mean you have the right to accuse others of that same flaw. There is no evidence of your god & just b/c life and matter "exists" you that automatically makes your holy book correct? How much sense does that make? But I digress, the basic gist of it is this...Faith is the belief in something with little to no evidence of it. There is no evidence of god so why believe in him. Not believing in something when there is little to no evidence of it does not require faith at all. It seems to me that most of the time theists accuse atheists of having "faith" simply b/c they themselves are fully aware of how ridiculous the concept of faith is.
None of us really know what is actually out there however it is more logical to admit that I don't know and be an agnostic atheist than make up nonsensical stories about how everything came be and be a gnostic theist.
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