Saturday, July 12, 2008

Farewell Tony Snow

This Blog post is not easy for me. I feel the death of Tony Snow almost like that of a Friend. Though I never knew him personally, his personality was such that even from a distant medium such as the Radio he made you feel as though you were having an intelligent conversation with a great man.

I recall him as being my favorite substitute host for Rush Limbaugh, before he went to work for Fox. While I dislike the term compassionate conservatism as the oxymoron that it is, if anyone embodied such a description it was Tony. His duty to country had him leaving a well paying job at Fox to serve the thankless job of White House press secretary. This job for Tony was something like Daniel being thrust in the Lions Den and like Daniel Tony was able to temporarily tame the contentious press and somehow got the message of the presidents policies across to a nation hungry for information about a war not properly reported on by the press. I never heard him being rude with a caller and found his demeanor refreshing and one that I will sorely miss.

Everything he did he did with a smile and with a sense of optimism that was contagious and genuine. He was just a good man and it showed even to those of us that never met him.

I also think he would have a great president. Perhaps his intercession from above will prove as useful as his contribution to the political discourse on this side of eternity.

Rest in peace and know you will be sorely missed.