I have a little remiss in not blogging on this most important of modern encyclicals. The reality is that Paul VI proved that prophets did not disappear after St. John the Baptist. Virtually everything he predicted in this encyclical has come to pass in regards to the value of human life. The use of artificial birth has given rise to abortion, euthanasia and other methods of killing humans for convenience sake. By introducing a mindset into the procreative act that I refuse to allow this act to be open to life the natural progression is to terminate any pregnancies that result from a malfunctioning artificial method. It is also a natural progression that if human life can be either prevented or terminated for the sake of convenience then it can be terminated for a pair of shoes or because one belongs to the wrong gang. All of these crimes have gone on the rise since artificial birth control methods have gone into wide spread use.
It should be noted that the church is not opposed to all means of avoiding pregnancies, only to those that are artificial and thus interfere with natural methods and therefore natural law. The church has always allowed for responsible spacing of children using natural means. A couple is free to engage in intimate acts anytime they so desire, they are not obliged to engage in marital relations only when it is known that the woman is fertile. A couple is free to not engage in this relation when the woman is fertile thus avoiding pregnancy in this manner. By using nature one is open to Gods will since it is Gods will that women not be fertile at all times.
Some have accused Catholic teaching in regards to artificial contraception and marital relations as being responsible for the spread of Aids and for fostering poverty in third world nations. As usual the fact prove the opposite. The fact is that the one nation in Africa that is teaching sexual abstinence outside of Marriage is the one nation that has had a drop in the Incidences of AIDS see article here. It is also true that of all the methods of spacing children natural family planning or NFP as the churches teaching is often referred to is the one that is free of change and thus most accessible to the poor. NFP does not promote promiscuity and thus protects the integrity of marriage and the dignity of the human person both male and female. None of this will be reported in the left wing secular media of course, nor will international organisations such as the UN who actively promotes both artifician contraception and abortion.
In short Paul VI has been proven right and the media is not only hidding this but ridiculing Humanae Vitae as beeing absurd, behind the times and even opposed to human nature (since according to them it is human nature to be, sex animals, unless you are member of NARAL or NOW in which case men beeing sex animals equals rape in all cases) when in reality church teaching promotes Natural Law and thus true human nature and dignity.
One can read the Encyclical here, and see how truly loving and dignifying it is.
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