Obama Likes to say that even if we start driling now it won't make a difference for another 5-10 years, here is an example of his brilliance. This of course demonstrates a total lack of understanding of the futures market and of capitalism in general, (you capitalism that economic system that makes us the economic power that we are and the socialist left wants to destroy). All it took was for bush to lift the executive moratorium on offshore drilling and this happens . This is how the futures market works. It normally takes a few months for the effect of the futures market to affect prices at the pump, but that is a far cry from the 5-10 years the opposers of drilling claim. Imagine if Congress were to follow suit.
The opposers of drilling site environmental concerns, but Katrina shows us that even a hurricane plowing though the thousands of Oil rigs in the Gulg do not cause environmental disaster so that arguments does not work.
Drill here, Drill now Pay Less and let the free market use the energy we have now to develop the energy of the future as is already happening, see here. This is a private individual using his own money to develop alternatives isn't the free marker great...
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