Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thougths on Army Basic and AIT

I am done with the army Initial Entry Training . I thought I would put down some of my thoughts. I found basic to be in many ways not as difficult as I expected. The most difficult part was perhaps reception processing, where we are in-processed into the army. This is where we get out shoots,our uniforms and all ofthe other administrative necessities the Armny demands before basic can begin. Normally basic is about a week, but for some reason mine took two. Reception is truly quite boring. We get up in the morning and normally we do some portion of the initial in-processing such as the issue of uniforms and boots and immunization. In many cases recruits that got through this process will do more than one of these things in one day, my group had the dubious benefit of doing of of these steps in daily thus prolonging our reception to two weeks rather than the normal one week. At least the food was good.

Once reception was done, we marched over to our basic training company. Our training began almost immediately. The first thing we did when we walked into our room and found our beds was to get our first "smoking" or P.T. basic training style. We began by holding our duffel bags, full of reception issue items, over our heads for what seemed like an eternity. I was sore for a week after that weekend. For the next nine weeks we went through the basic training process. From an older man, who is out of shape coming into basic was hard but rewarding. There is a sense of pride that comes from graduating basic along with kids young enought to be my children.

The AIT process is similar in some ways but vastly different in others. AIT is where we are trained in what will be our jobs in the big army. Going through AIT entails standing in endless formations but also going to classes that are very interesting and informative. The challenge is often staying awake as one has to go on what is often less than recuperative sleep. But again now at the end of the process I feel a little like I did in basic, I made it through the entire IET process along with people half my age. Now I look forward to spending time with my wifes and kids. I also look forward to going back to national guard unit and being productive with them. I also look forward to putting what I have learned to use in the civilian word, one of the perks of being a weekend warrior. I hope this nine month ride has been worth it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tomorrow I ship to Army Basic

Tomorrow marks a bittersweet day in my life. Though as time goes on it may seem more bitter than sweet. I am reporting to the MEPS hotel for shipping to Army Basic on Wednesday. I really look forward to going I have always found the military interesting, but I have come to realize why they say the the military is a young mans game. I am 37 with a wife and kids. This makes this shipping a very difficult as I love my family dearly and while basic is only 9 weeks the AIT (Advanced Individual Training) is one of the longer trainings the army has to offer, meaning I will not be home for good until sometime next year. I ask that those that pray offer up prayers, more for my family than for me, they need it more.

Monday, August 31, 2009

It this had been a prayer to stop abortion

That church's tax excempt status would have been removed yesterday

What is it with leftist and the funerals of their own. Remember the Paul Wellstone memorial

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Funny, Kudos to the Jester


Remember when B.O. Called for a domestic security force

This domestic force would be as well equipped and funded as our military right;

Our elections could like like the Cuban and the Old Iraq elections;

Think about it.....

When all else fails, play with the stats

Yesterday B.O. came out touting a one tenth of a percent drop in the unenployment numbers but as was the case with the last Democrat President who did similar things with the budget deficit numbers, they cooked the books

Cudos to that right wing news source for bringing this out, no one else will

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is rich, Condoms proven increase depresion in women.

But let's not let the evindence deter a promicuous lifestile with condoms

""Regardless of the findings, this study does not advocate that people abstain from using condoms," said Professor Gallup. "Protecting oneself from an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease is far more important."

Here is the study

Again proving that messing with Gods designs is not a good thing.

Note the study goes back to 2002, I wonder why this does not make the headlines

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sign the Media does not like you

They are looking for your replacement

Listen as the media ignores a real Duke Rape Case

Remember the Duke Lacrosse rape case. Remember how the athletes were tried by the court of the Media simply because they were "privileged whites" and the victim was a under privileged black woman. Now listen to the deafening silence as they ignore what might be a real Duke rape case

What do the Turks know about anything

The clear connection between breast and other cancers is greeted with a loud silence evertyime a new study shows it.

Here is another such study for the media to ignore

I say we take him at his word and let's not ruch this through

Notice the ruch to get the health care take over now, before anyone has a chance to read the bill and before congress has to go back home and face angry voters that may talk them out of voting for this facist take over of our health.

well lets listen to B.O.'s own words and apply his lessons from 2004 to today

Friday, July 24, 2009

The modern sexual revolution built on a Lie.

Those of us who follow Jesus and his teachings have long known instictively, by reason and by science that the so called sexual revolution, as will all sinful lifestile was built on a lie. Any lifestile that seeks to take the human sex act outside of it's proper context of matrimony is by it's very nature a lie and as with all lies it leads to eventual downfall, both to individuals and to societies, even entire civilizations.

The Modern sexual revolution is based in part on the Works of Alfred Kinsey. It is now known that his work was. to put it mildly, fraudulent. Yet the media, academia and even the courts continue to use his lies as a basis for their work.


The Pope is right says left leaning Harvard Prophesor when it comes to Condoms in Africa and AIDS.

Here is the Article. Why do I have the feeling this will not make the headlines.

Would you believe me if I told you that the aids in Africa is spread by Homosexual activity.

You would say I am crazy. After all homosexual activist point to Africa as proof that Aids is not mainly a homosexual or sexualy promiscuous diesease right...

As Usual God is right sin is wrong

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny the things one hears on talk radio that the Media ignores..

Though on this one they might get a pass given the date it broke. I heard this almost in passing on Glen Beck. It caught my attention given my Catholic sensitivities to artificial contraception and it's direct link to today's culture of death

Yet this technology is highly dangerous given the anti life agenda of the B.O.(As I will henceforth refer to our president as) Administration.

Revision on the F-22 post

It would seem that the Air force does have 183 F-22 fighters on order so the program is not totally dead. This of course is less than what the Air force requested which is not what is being reported, the media is dutifully reporting that the Pentagon is agreeing with the cancellation of further aircraft orders. Of course the pentagon is agreeing, Robert Gates is a civilian government appointee who appears to have no political philosophy other than the one his boss happens to have. But the professional military types are saying something else behind closed doors.

Here is the article

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As usual then one Constitutionaly mandated function of the presindent and he pushes to cut spending on it.

The only legitimate area where we must cut president acording to the commander in chief is the military. The single protection we have against an ever more dangerous world.

The F-22 is the premier air superiority fighter. No other country has anything like it. A few squadrons would be sufficient for the U.S. to maintain air superiority in any theather of war. The F-15 the current air superiority fighter is still a great aircraft and in the hands of our great pilots is still invincible, but this jet has been in service since the early 70's. Many nations have comparable aircrafts to the F-15, such as the Russian SU-27 which has many variations including a potentially carrier capable one in the SU-37. The Chinese have their own copies of the Russian aircraft as wel as several indigenous versions that they can export to smaller nations.

The point is that without the F-22 the U.S. runs a real chance of having it's air dominace challenged in the coming years.

Please call your congress person and ask them to keep the F-22 program as well as the new f-35 engine upgrade going to endure our Soldiers, Airmen and Marines can keep kicking @#$#@ and keepoing us safe.

Ok My Friends the fight is on FOCA is now part of the healthcare bill.

It must be stoped here is one way to stop it. We may not have the funding but we have truth on our side, we merely need to proclaim it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Why do I have a feling that our government will find a way to not support this..

The Mexicans are showing us how to fight a war on drugs...


The reason that Drug related violence is up in Mexico is because this is the fist Mexican President that is not owned by the cartels and is actually fighting them.

Follow up on my brothers thoughts on Obamas birth Certificate

Here is my Brothers Post

First Drink the Kool-Aid

Then Look like a Deer in the headlights when asked about the Birth Certificate

Initial thoughts on the new encyclical

I have begun reading the Popes new encyclical "Charity in Truth"

My initial thoughts is that as ususal the media and even some Catholic comentators are misreading the pope. I have not yet arrived at what appears the controversial quote that seems to call for a world wide authority but I will venture a guess that it is not calling for a one world government but something that calls for all governments to work toghether to apply what is in essence Catholic social teaching. I wonder what the chances of that is given that five out of six humans are not Catholic.

What I do know it that the church calls for the application of her social teachings at the local level not at a centralized governmental level as those of whose mindset leans to the left socialist world view. The church also warns of the exeses of the capitalist decentralized world view. The truth is that the extremists on both world views see the human person as a means to an end. One sees humas as uneducated masses in need of elite control and the other sees human as means of material profits. Catholic social teaching calls for a pradigm shift in the thinking of all governments to make the Human Person the focus of policies that are centered on Charity and truth. Charity and Truth that recognize the inherent dignity of the human person and allows humans to live to their maximun potential hopefully to worship God as he has revealed himself to Man.

As mentioned I have not yet read the document fully and as with many church documents it will require mutliple readings to grasp the full import of what it says, but I have a grap of the bady of teaching of the church and knwing that church doctrine does not can cannot change I will wager that the initial, any reporting of the secular medial will exagerate portions to justify their notions and ignore those that oppose them.

Here is the encyclcal for all to read

I know who I want for President...

Bobby Jindal.

Do you feel the recovery

See our Grand Childrens tax money at work.

Since No one else will report it.

Astronomers did not see this one coming

It appears that a comet or asteroid has struck jupiter. The interesting thing about this report is that it was an amateur astronomer that noticed it after the fact. The scary thing is that it was an amateur astronomer after the fact. If astronomers as a whole can miss an asteroid hitting Jupiter how many are out there with aim for earth they are not seing...?

Credit Jimmy Akins Blob for this report.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is imposible, Al Gore says so..

So the models Al gore is using to push his anti-American civilization agenda is flawed. I wont say I told you so. Ok I will! I told you so..

See my previous post linking to a great site from a climatologist questioning the science

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How can the government plan compete with ilegal private insurance?

The presidentd said that we could choose among insurance plans amongst which the government plan will compete right. How the $@@$# can the government plan compete when the government declare private insurance illegal?

The government can do this, AIG cannot


Monday, July 13, 2009

TOTUS Cannot take the lies anymore and Attempts suicide

See Here, Warning this may be to graphic for other eletronic devices.

We did however manage to track down TOTUS. We were able to get his statement here

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July everyone

To add to what my bother said in his blog-post here, let's not forget out fighting men and women who still under difficult situation brought on by the enemy abroad and politicians at home continue to fight for our freedom.

Let's imagine where we would be both as a nation and a planet were it not for those who fertilize the tree of freedom with their blood and sacrifice.

Without them we would probably be speaking English with a British accent and suffering under their socialized medical system much sooner, My 10 year old may not have made if through her difficult birth because some heartless bureaucrat would have decided she was not worth the effort.

Without them we would have ended the peculiar institution of slavery much latter thus prolonging the say when the Supreme court and our president would be of African Decent.

Without them My native land of Puerto Rico would still be under Spanish control rather than a Commonwealth of the United States.

Without them we and Europe would be speaking German and the Third Reich would be a major world Power, Jews would be all but extinct as a people as well as Christianity.

Without them Millions of Muslims, from Kosovo, to Iraq and Afghanistan would still be oppressed rather than being a self determining people and the light of freedom would have been to dim for the People in Iran to even consider rising against their oppression in spite of our current leadership.

Without them Communism and it's close cousin Fascism would be the dominant political systems in the world rather than systems in decline.

Without them we would have undoubtedly been attacked perhaps even worse than 9-11.

It may be them that save the American Experiment despite our best efforts to end it.

The Men and Women who make up our armed forces are not uneducated brutes, but educated men and women who often give up lucrative careers in the civilian world to serve, such as Pat Tillman and the sons and daughters of many politicians including John McCain and Vice President Biden.

So today as you celebrate our freedom (sometimes without realising) please remember to give thanks to that veteran in your midst. Chances are there will be one in your celebration whether from current wars or previous ones.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thoughts on the Passing of Michael Jackson

First Let me start by saying that the death of Michael Jackson is tragic on many levels. I pray for his soul and his loved ones.

That having been said I believe that as tragic as his death is, the real tragedy is his life. There is doubt that Michael Jackson was supremely talented, it is sad that his talent on stage was so marred by a lifestyle that can only be compared to the Titanic. Like the Titanic which began it's voyage full of promise, Michael's career was full of promise. Like the Titanic who wanting to run faster than all other ships in the sea ignored warnings of danger, so too Michael's personal life showed early signs of danger. Both Michael and the Titanic ended with cries for help and tragic loss of life because while the outside was glamorous the inside of both Michael and the Titanic were weak and in dire need of re-engineering.

The other thing that came to mind was the coverage. The death of Michael has been covered thus far completely ignoring the less desirable aspect of his life, in contrast recall the coverage of another Icon, in John Paul II. Even before he died no report was complete without mentioning some controversial aspect of church history of teaching such as the child abuse scandal or celibacy and women Priest. Given the coverage one would think it was Michael who lived a life of heroic virtue and dignity and JPII who had the tragic life.

These are my random thoughts on the death of Michael Jackson

Today may mark the day when the American Experiment Fails

Article If this legislation is passed by the Senate American Capitalism as we know it will come to an end.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I will wager that the baby killers and the media will ignore this

The baby killers for whom abortion is the sacrament will ignore science (as they accuse those of us that have morals) and continue to push for the advancement of their religion which requires the sacrifice of innocents at the altar of sin without consequences.


Remember the Out-Cry when a right wing Cadidate Visits the Supposedly Anti-Catholic Bob Jones University.

I post this as yet one more proof of the lefts hipocracy. The left pretends to be sensitive to Catholic sensitivities when a right wing politician makes a Speech at Bob Jones University, Article. Yet as a practiving Catholic I am more offended when a leftist, militant pro-Abortion politician makes a speech at what once was a respected CAtholic Institution. Bob Jones is a protestant University and I expect their theology to reflect and anti-catholic biase. At least they stand by their principles. The University at South Bend was once Catholic and invited a politician whose views are anathema the our faith, and Gave him an honorary degree to add insult to injury.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

This is what happens when passion overcomes vocation

I have posted on Father Alberto Cutie's sad situation in which what had been a good priest with much to offer via his media access.

Today I sadly report that the apostasy and self-excomunication is now complete.

Father Albero should know better. He took a vow of chaste celibacy when he was ordained a priest. Yet the church knows that often the passions of a Man is often stronger that his vows, so it has a mechanism by which a priest who desires to Mary can. All he had to do was petition his Bishop to be laicised at which point he can marry and live tha life of a lay person. With his media contacts he would have lived a very comfortable life and continued to serve God and the church in that capacity as a married man. He shoose instead to create scandal and lead many astray by his very public breack with a vow and by taking the path of least resistance, he choose to become an episcopal priest, thus he can have his cake and eat it too. In the process he, by this act, endoresed the practices of homosexual, and female priests as well as church supported abortion. All of which goes against the teachings of the church Father Cuties sayd to have loved.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Know your leaders

If the Notre Dame scandal is a portent of a great apostasy within the church or even The Great apostasy as prophesied in scripture then the time may come when we must know who to turn to for eartly leadership in our easthly struggle against the apostate leader, this article may help. As I mentioned before I am not a left behind person who sees the book of revelation coming true in every headline type of Christian. Yet I do believe as scripture teaches that Jesus is coming and that there will be signs, amonst which will be a great apostasy within his church. I do know that as a Christian I am commanded to be ever vigilant for scripture says there will be signs but at the same time the second coming will come as a thief in the night when we least expect it. So I will not despair of the coming but will join the the strugle against the enemies of his Catholic Church both from outside in the form of secular and religious opposition and from some of those same forces that have infiltrated the church. Already one agent in the form of Father Jenkins has been brought to the light. I could name others but they are Bishops and Cardinals and Mother Angelica was admonished for taking one of them to task (some readers may know who I am talking about)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Are our actions recruiting more terrorists

A favorite accusation of the anti-War and anti-American left is that we create more terrorists by housing them in Guantanamo or by such actions as enhanced interrogations. They like to point to pictures as those of so called abused (as opposed to decapitated) detainees as being recruiting tools for terrorists. As is most often the case with the accusations of the left the truth is the exact opposite of what they say.

It was our running with out tails tucked between our legs from Somalia after they killed and dragged one our soldiers through their streets that prompted Bin-Laden to label the U.S. a paper tiger. It was the myriad of attacks during the 90’s including the first WTC attack without response that served to cement that notion in the minds of our enemies that was the real recruiting tool for terrorists. It was the application of a strong arm by General Petraeus in Iraq that virtually eliminated terrorist attacks and rather than recruit enemies served to befriend the locals and turn them into allies against a common foe. It is therefore the left and their tactics that are the best recruiting tools for the terrorists not Guantanamo and our pretense in Iraq

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Be careful what you wich for....

The Irony in this article is delicious. I truly do not know if to laugh, that these chplains were so succesfull at preaching relativism or cry at the fact that they were so sucessfull at preaching relativism they are now irelevent in the eyes of the school body

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Only in the Mind of a secular leftist is this not Ironic.

Am I the only one that sees the Irony in the fact that the History Channel is having a special on the Movie "Angels and Demons" purportedly to separate fact from fiction with the Movie itself being the sponsor for the program. It this were a right with religious show sponsored by a similarly friendly entity the content would be ridiculed on that basis alone, regardless of how accurate the content of the show was.

Here is the link

Stop the Scare Mongering

The Swine flu or the H1N1 virus as it is now called is being used by both our government and their willing allies in the media to spread a sense of panic and, I believe, as a means to promote nationalized health care. As flue viruses go this is not only mild but so far laughable. According the the World Health Organization there are about 2100 cases of the virus with 44 deaths world wide, See here. The U.S has 896 cases with 2 of those 44 deaths, see here. While all of these deaths and the potential deaths to come from this virus are tragic, they pale in comparison to the common seasonal flu with yearly affects one in five Americans or 226,000 people and kills 36,000 people in the U.S. alone, see here. If anything may possibly make the case for national health care the common seasonal flu make a better case than the swine virus.

On the other hand if one is really intent on killing the swine virus I would suggest slow roasting the pig over a pit until well cooked thus killing the virus and making a dent on world hunger at the same time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Catholics should enjoy Angels and Demonds says Ron Howard

In a recent article, Movie Director Ron Howard is quoted as saying "Let me be clear: neither I nor Angels & Demons are anti-Catholic. And let me be a little controversial: I believe Catholics, including most in the hierarchy of the Church, will enjoy the movie for what it is - an exciting mystery, set in the awe-inspiring beauty of Rome."

I wonder if he would say that Blacks would a enjoy a movie as beeing a good story set in the majesty of the south if the story were Insulting of the Harriet Tubman story or a rewritting of the sotry of the KKK. Or if the story were a revision of the Holocaust, wouldhe say Jews would enjoy it because because it is an exiting story set in the splendor of the Bavarian country side.

The truth that it is only because it is anti-Catholic (let's not kid ourselves something that depicts lies about the Catholic church is by definition anti-Catholic) that Ron Howard can get away with making such a statement without the Media coming down on him. It is only when a Republican Presidential Candidate makes a speech at Bob-Jones University that the left sudendly becomes defensive of Catholic sensitivities.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Could this be the time of the apostasy?

In light of the Notre Dame debacle it seems that so called Catholic colleges and Universities are falling like dominoes down the path of apostassy. It would seem that the election of Benedict IV, whose othodoxy I love, did not after all result in a closed cafeteria for catholics but in the opening of a whole new and growing franshise


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I must confess life is taking hold of me, or better I have allowed life to take hold of me, so my postings have been space lately. but I want to continue with the series of posts I started last year on the the sacraments.

I began with a short primer on what a sacrament was and what they were here, then I expounded deeper on the sacrament of Baptism here.

Today I will talk about what is perhaps the most beautiful of Sacraments and that is Reconciliation or confession. Confession is a difficult Sacrament for even the most devout Catholic let alone the non-Catholic. The notion of going to another man, himself a sinner and perhaps even a worse sinner than me, and telling them my sins is to many like walking into the confessional and stripping naked. In truth a proper confession is a stripping naked of the soul, which is why it is uncomfortable to so many. It is also true that some of the same people that would never dream of taking their sins to a priest, will gladly spend hundreds of dollars to bear their souls to a psychotherapist only to be given advice that is morally dubious at best and being left the underlying sinful issue unaddressed and no sense of healing or reconciliation. The fact is that Jesus knew what he was doing in John 20:23 When he gave sinful men to power to forgive sins. The one who created men knew mans nature and understood that human worship involved both body and soul and that hearing the words "go in peace you sins are forgiven" would have more healing power than any psychotherapy or the latest feel good self-empowering don't sweat the small stuff fad ever could.

Sin destroys our relationship with God and in turn with is body the church, So it is God alone who can in the end forgive sins, it is however through the Church and through his duly appointed minister, the priest, the Shepperd of his body the Church , that he has chosen to grant us his forgiveness

The theology of confession like that of the other Sacraments and every other Church doctrine is far deeper than I could give it justice here, but it is my earnest hope and prayer that this will help those of you who may be struggling with this most beautiful of church treasures.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thoughts on epiphany

I know I have been lax in postings the last few months. This is due partly to writers block and partly to daily life taking over. I have a few minutes here so I though I would posts some thoughts on epiphany, which is celebrated January 6th.

The word epiphany means a sudden insight and or revelation. An epiphany is what happens when pagan wise men, probably Zoroastrians and astrologers, from Persia are drawn to the small town of Bethlehem (or perhaps Nazareth, the scripture passages do not say that the wise men arrived exactly at time of our Lords birth, Herod's edict to kill all children under two seems to indicate that some time had passed from the time of the Lords birth). This visit by the wise men shows that Jesus came to save all man kind, not just the Jews. The wise men represent all non-Jews or gentiles. It is interesting to note that among the Jews those called to visit Jesus were poor uneducated shepherds and from among the gentiles it was the educated and wealthy. This may indicate the contempt that God had for the cultural decay among Jews and the hope he has for the rest of the world. This is the insight we gain from these events. God reveals to us that salvation is for all mankind and that while his life is intended to fulfill the Jewish prophesies and it is from the Jews that salvation comes, the whole world now has access to the grace of God via his son Jesus.

The wise men bring interesting and symbolic gifts. Gold, Incense and Myrrh. Gold represent worldly riches and royalty indicating a recognition of these gentiles of Jesus royal lineage. Incense is used in worship in virtually all major world religions, this indicates the recognition of the wise men of the divine nature of Jesus. Myrrh indicate that the wise men were aware of the mission of Jesus to die as fitting sacrifice for all of mans sins. A mission even the most learned amongst the Jews would not recognise.

I pray that this is but one epiphany we enjoy in our walk of faith in Jesus.